Monolithic refractories are loose materials, often powders, that can be used to form a smooth lining. Various methods are used to install monolithic refractories, such as casting, gunniting, spraying, and slinging.
Monolithic refractories are known for their versatility and usefulness in difficult projects.
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Monolithic refractories are preferred because they eliminate joints, a known weakness with brick linings. It’s much easier to transport and handle it, and the normal methods of application are faster and easier than others. They also reduce downtime for repairs. Here are the most popular installation methods:
Monolithic refractories are versatile and enjoy various industrial applications in the steel, cement, metallurgical, waste disposal and petrochemical industries. The best refractory installation method depends entirely on the specifics of the job, so while recommendations will help, your needs will determine the best method.
Contact Us to find out if monolithic refractories are the best option for your project.
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