Industrial furnaces do a lot of work every day, and even one working properly will develop normal wear and tear. With regular maintenance and preventative care, your industrial furnace can be kept functioning efficiently, which minimizes downtime for major repairs and improves productivity.
Scrape the walls of your furnace with specialized rakes every shift will decrease the risk of furnace downtime and costly repairs. Buildup occurs from lack of cleaning, or not cleaning on a regular basis.
It’s critical to hot clean the furnace after every shift, and schedule cold cleanings biannually.
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The buildup in your furnace does more than wear on it. It takes up room. With months or years of buildup taking up so much interior space, there is less capacity for metal. Less product in the furnace equals less available metal for production, which results in decreased efficiency and profitability. Imagine your freezer. When thick ice begins to build up on the sides of your freezer, you can’t fit as much food inside.
Furnaces that need emergency repairs usually require about two days to tear out, three days to make repairs, and two days for the furnace to cure and heat up. If the issues are significant or the materials aren’t available, this process can take even longer. Occasionally residual damage to the electric elements or burners can cause additional downtime. With less unscheduled downtime you can maximize production and ensure fewer costly delays.
Emergency repairs and downtime take away from production potential, and repair costs can be very expensive. Depending on the size of your facility, costs can reach into the tens or hundreds of thousands, not including lost sales potential. For facilities that have multiple furnaces, this number can be even higher. Save money with preventative maintenance and regular cleaning to ensure that downtime is minimized and repairs are few and far between.
Prevent small problems from becoming huge with routine inspections of the furnace, refractory , and linings. Small cracks can be easily repaired, but left unchecked they can devastate your furnace and hurt your operations.
Contact Us to learn more about preventative cleaning and maintenance for your industrial furnace.
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